Developers Notes

My Journey as Software Architect

Git CLI Cheatsheet

  • Basic git Init ( on your code root directory run )

git init

git commit -m "Initial Commit"

git remote add origin "<path to git url>"

git push -u origin master

  • Basic git push

git add .

git commit -m "<your commit text>"

git push origin master / git push origin <branch>

  • Checkout to branch

git checkout <branch name>

  • Pull commit from local master to branch

git checkout <branch name>

git fetch master

  • Pull commit from remote master to local branch

git checkout <branch name>

git pull origin master

  • Merge branch to master remote & optional commit

git checkout master

git merge <branch name>

git add .

git commit -m "Combine to Master"

git push

  • Git rebase from master

git checkout master
git pull --rebase
git checkout Mybranch
git rebase master
git push -f origin Mybranch

  • Delete local branch

git branch -D <branch name>

  • To Revert into previous commit

git checkout <test commit hash>

git revert <unwanted commit hash>

git checkout <current branch>


  • Remove file from already pushed repo

First commit any outstanding code changes, and then, run this command:

git rm -r --cached .

This removes any changed files from the index(staging area), then just run:

git add .

Commit it:

git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"
  • Delete remote branch

git push <remote_name> --delete <branch_name>


In some case, if you  have something like

-you have 6 commit on your local repo

-and you fall behind 4 commit from remote

-and you want to discard your commit, and pull from repo


you can use this command


to remove the last commit

git reset --hard HEAD^

to remove n number of last commit

git reset --hard HEAD~2

if you want to uncommit , but keep changes

git reset HEAD^


If you have some changes on current branch, and want to move it to new branch, run this command

git checkout -b FEATURE


Merge Branch Into Master


git branch

git branch new-branch

git checkout new-branch


...develop some code...


$ git add –A

$ git commit –m "Some commit message"

$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

$ git merge new-branch


Remove file from already commited remote

git rm --cached giant_file






On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git

git - Create new branch based on current branch to work on a new feature - Stack Overflow
Git: Merge Branch into Master
Removing files from a repository's history - GitHub Help
How to completely remove a file from a Git repository | iText PDF
Removing Accidentally Committed Files From Remote History - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻