Developers Notes

My Journey as Software Architect


Recommended Terminal Application Replacement

1.exa A modern version of ‘ls’. Github Repo: Exa have a similar options like ls , my usual way to use exa is exa -lah 2.bat A cat(1) clone with wings. Github Repo:…

Generate Public Key using Private Key

Sometimes, you need to provide public key on some services, you can use this command to generate the public key $ ssh-keygen -y -f ~/pathToPrivateKey/private.pem > ~/.ssh/ Enter passphrase:

Configure NodeJS and oracledb in Linux Server

There is many other ways, but this is my way to configure: Server: -Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Steps: Do upgrade repositoryapt-get update Install alien, wget and other dependency package by doing apt-get install alien wget libaio1 libaio-dev Creat…

PHP in macOS & Linux Server

If you have MAMP installed, and you want to use it for cli, you can add this to your bash profile export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATHexport PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin:$PATH Make sure the order is correct. Put export PATH=/u…

Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.X / 18.X Cheat Sheet

If you want to integrate Let's Encrypt to make your website running on https & using nginx. This is simple sample config for reverse proxy expressjs apps i use server { client_max_body_size 56M; server_name; location / { proxy_…

Unable to access 'git/attributes'

If you have this issue, usually, the first time you create EC2 / VPS, then git pull from repo. you can use this command cd ~/ sudo chown -R username /Users/username

Really Simple HTTP Server

Sometimes, i need to share some files from my server, but it's really hassle to configure the ftp server, and i don't want to share my ssh credential to my friend, so i found that python serve this requirement. If your server have python i…

How To: Password-less Login to Linux VPS

I have all the Operating System from OS X , Windows , and Linux , and i want to make connecting to my VPS without typing the credential, so i run this command ssh-keygen to generate my private & public key. After that, i run this command c…

How To: Bash script to create Self-signed SSL Certificate in Linux/OSX

First, create a new script file like this #!/bin/bash DOMAIN="XXX" # XXX - change with your used domainEXPIRE_IN=XXX # XXX - change with your prefered number of days NUM_BITS=2048 # 2048 bitsC="US"ST="New York"L="Brooklyn"O="Example Compan…