Developers Notes

My Journey as Software Architect


Recommended Terminal Application Replacement

1.exa A modern version of ‘ls’. Github Repo: Exa have a similar options like ls , my usual way to use exa is exa -lah 2.bat A cat(1) clone with wings. Github Repo:…

Generate Public Key using Private Key

Sometimes, you need to provide public key on some services, you can use this command to generate the public key $ ssh-keygen -y -f ~/pathToPrivateKey/private.pem > ~/.ssh/ Enter passphrase:

PHP in macOS & Linux Server

If you have MAMP installed, and you want to use it for cli, you can add this to your bash profile export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATHexport PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin:$PATH Make sure the order is correct. Put export PATH=/u…

MAMP & MAMP PRO mysql location

MAMP PRO is my favorite LAMP server for development in OSX. If you want to try the PRO version for 14 days, and revert back to non PRO, you can copy the mysql file from /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/db/mysql to /Applicati…

How To: Password-less Login to Linux VPS

I have all the Operating System from OS X , Windows , and Linux , and i want to make connecting to my VPS without typing the credential, so i run this command ssh-keygen to generate my private & public key. After that, i run this command c…

How To: Change default language on Apple OS X

I just bought a MacbookPro from France, and the default language is French, since the keyboard layout is EU AZERTY. If you want to change it into your preffered Language, run this command on Terminal: sudo "/System/Library/CoreServices/Lan…

How To: Dump Database on Git Commit

I have a requirement to automatically dump the SQL of my project while i running a git commit command. first, create a file named pre-commit, so it will look like this [ProjectFolder]/.git/hooks/pre-commit then configure the file like this…

How To: Bash script to create Self-signed SSL Certificate in Linux/OSX

First, create a new script file like this #!/bin/bash DOMAIN="XXX" # XXX - change with your used domainEXPIRE_IN=XXX # XXX - change with your prefered number of days NUM_BITS=2048 # 2048 bitsC="US"ST="New York"L="Brooklyn"O="Example Compan…

Adobe CC 2015 Installation Stuck at 42%

You can try below steps: 1) Trash Adobe apps from Applications . 2) Trash below mentioned folders from Applications > Utilities. Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Application Manager Adobe Utilities. Adobe Installers. 3) Trash Adobe folders from …